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Open Relationships: The Good & The Bad

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While open relationships may sound like the ultimate form of self-expression, they are actually more challenging to maintain than you might think.

Open relationships are an excellent option for some people. But for others, open relationships can be a recipe for disaster.

Open relationships may be right for you. You’ll be free to have sex with other people, increasing your happiness and life satisfaction. If you want to be with someone exclusively and not get bored or feel too vulnerable, you’ll be glad to know that your partner is open. But the other person in the relationship may not be so comfortable. Your relationship may fail to work out, or you might hurt your partner’s feelings by pursuing someone else.

What is an open relationship, why does it work, and why sometimes it doesn’t work? Let’s take a look at it.

What Is An Open Relationship?

An open relationship is a relationship where both partners agree to have sex with other people.

Why Do People Have Open Relationships?

The benefits of open relationships are pretty straightforward. You can have sex with other people, which can increase your happiness and life satisfaction. It can also increase your creativity and the range of your sexual experiences.

Pros & Cons of Open Relationships

An open relationship can be an excellent option for some people. It’s a way to have sex with other people without the fear of hurting someone’s feelings.

But an open relationship can be challenging to maintain. It can also be hurtful for the people in the relationship, and they may not be as happy as they could be.

Why Should You Consider Open Relationships?

Open relationships can be a great option if you want to have sex with other people, and it can increase your creativity and range of sexual experiences.

But please note your partner need to consent to the idea. You can’t force anything on a person. That is abuse.

So if both of you are 100% onboard with the idea, an open relationship may be ideal for you.

Why It May Not Be For You

If you are the jealous and protected type, it’s not for you. And if you want to have sex with someone exclusively and not get bored or feel too vulnerable, an open relationship may not be a good idea.

How Do You Tell If Your Partner is Open?

If you suspect your partner is open about the idea and you’re sincere about sex in your relations, you can just ask them directly.

For example, you can say something like, “I’m just wondering if you’re open about having sex with other people. If you are, would you mind if I also have sex with other people?

And if you’re not comfortable asking directly, you can get some pointers by asking indirectly.

For example, if you’re watching porn, and there’s a threesome scene, you could say that this turns you on and watch their reaction.

Tips for Opening up and Getting What You Want

There are many things to consider before entering into an open relationship. It’s important to talk to your partner about the pros and cons of the relationship so you both know what to expect.

You’ll also need to make sure you’re on the same page. Your partner may not be comfortable with you having sex with other people, which may hurt your feelings. You may be harmed by your partner’s feelings, which could ruin your relationship.

Here are some questions to ask your partner:

  • Are you comfortable with the idea of having sex with other people?
  • Do you want to have sex with other people?
  • What kinds of people would you be open to if the answer is yes?
  • What types of people would you be comfortable with?


An open relationship is a great way to have sex with other people. It can increase your happiness and life satisfaction and increase your creativity and range of sexual experiences.

But open relationships can be a bit tricky. They can be hard to maintain and hurt your partner’s feelings, and they may not be for you if you’re the jealous and protected type. And if you want to have sex with someone exclusively and not get bored or feel too vulnerable, open relationships may not be a good idea.
